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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs), Acronyms and Glossary

  • Why can’t I access everything on the platform?
    It is important that the Centre of Excellence has spaces that are available to authorities only and so there are sections where access is restricted to just those working for authorities. Partner organisations and others using the Centre of Excellence virtual platform will not have access to these spaces. If you currently do not have access to a space which you should then please get in touch through the contact us elements of the site.
  • What is the rationale for the different sections on the platform?
    The sections reflect stakeholder requirements that came to light during information gathering sessions in the Centre of Excellence planning phase. Planning activities demonstrated the specific requirements for each of the sections including access and functionality. For example, the case studies, webinars, resources and qualifications & courses sections have been separated out to reflect stakeholder feedback. The search bar in the navigation pane will look for results across the site and provide access to all appropriate and relevant content.
  • How do I engage with the chat forum?
    To use the chat forum, click on the tile of a post you wish to engage with and respond by publishing text in the ‘write a comment’ box. You can also directly respond to specific comments by clicking on reply under the relevant comment. If you wish to start a new conversation within a specific category, click on the ‘create new post’ button on the category page.
  • How does the skill filtering work in the resources section?
    A skills model as shown below has been developed as part of the Centre of Excellence. It has been tailored to the needs identified by local transport authorities and has three levels linked to which are different detail levels for the skills. The resources section is filtered on the secondary level of skills in the model for ease of filtering and viewing results. All resources are tagged to align with these secondary level skills. Resources may be tagged with more than one skill and will appear in multiple filters.
  • How does the filtering work in the Case studies section?
    The filtering in this section is based on the mode or modes which apply to the specific case studies themselves. The tagging is therefore based on which particular modes the case study is deemed to be applicable to. Case studies may be tagged with more than one mode if appropriate and will appear in multiple filters.
  • Why are there no resources or case studies available when I click on certain filters?
    This means that no resources are currently tagged with that specific skill. Watch this space as more content is being added to the platform regularly. Alternatively, get in touch with us via the feedback form and let us know what kind of content you’d like to see in the resources section. You may also produce no results as no resources match the combination of filters you have selected. Try selecting fewer options in the filtering menu to see more results.
  • How do I get in contact with the Centre of Excellence?
    The Centre of Excellence has a contact us and feedback form which can be accessed by either clicking on the ‘Got Feedback’ button in the navigation bar or the ‘leave us a message’ link in the site footer. By completing this form your message will be communicated to the Centre of Excellence delivery team.
  • I have something that I would like to add to the CoE, how do I send that to you?
    If you use the contact us form which can be accessed by either clicking on the ‘Got Feedback’ button in the navigation bar or the ‘leave us a message’ link in the site footer. In this form there is the option to send an email through which you can suggest content for you to provide. By providing your email address in this form we will be able to get back in touch with you to develop the conversation further as required.
  • How will I know about developments across the Centre of Excellence?
    There is a regular newsletter developed by Transport for the South East which captures highlighted points of interest on the CoE. This newsletter is uploaded in the News & Blogs section of the platform.
  • How do I set my email preferences in the chat forum?
    To set up your email preferences so you only receive notifications that suit you, follow these steps: - Log in to the Centre of Excellence - Click on your profile in the navbar (this is the person icon). This will take you to the members page - Navigate to ‘Settings’ which will display a list of options for customising notification preferences. - Select your preferred notification settings



Artificial Intelligence
Active Travel England
Bus Centre of Excellence
Bus Service Improvement Plan
The Civil Engineering Contractors Association
The Chartered Institution of Highways & Transportation
Centre of Excellence
Department for Transport
Emissions Factors Toolkit
Electric Vehicle
Formulation and Solution Techniques for Integrated Charging Network Design under Risk of Disruption
Great Britain Freight Model
Heavy Goods Vehicle
The Institute of Civil Engineers
Institute of Public Policy Research
International Association for Public Participation
Knowledge Transfer Partnership
Local Authorities
Local Government
Local Transport Authority
Monitoring & Evaluation
Maritime Hydrogen Highway
Office for National Statistics
Swift, Pragmatic and Efficient Enhancement Delivery
Sub-national Transport Bodies
Transport Analysis Guidance
Transport Planning Society
Transport Research and Innovation Grant
Transport User Benefit Appraisal
Transport for the South East



The degree to which the skills exist in the LTA community to perform tasks that are relevant to enable the successful delivery of the outcomes the community wishes to achieve.


The degree to which the time exists in the LTA community to perform the tasks that are relevant to enable the successful delivery of the outcomes which the community wishes to achieve.

Centre of Excellence

The Transport for the South East Centre of Excellence which is set up to be a combination of a virtual platform and physical events to help boost transport capability within the South East region with alignment to the four DfT Key Objectives.

DfT objectives

The priorities set out by the DfT in terms of how STBs should seek to support their authorities. They include:

  • Developing effective business cases, as and when these are required to secure investment

  • Developing and maintaining a pipeline of future schemes

  • Reducing the environmental impact of transport in their local area

  • Producing updated Local Transport Plans should the Local Transport Plan Guidance go out to consultation

Focus areas

Areas through which increased awareness, knowledge and opportunities to collaborate have been highlighted as of particular benefit.


These agreements set out how various public bodies work with the DfT. The framework agreement sets out:

  • The main activities and responsibilities of the public body

  • Roles, responsibilities and accountability

  • The financial regime used

  • How audit and accounting work

  • How staff, pay and recruitment work

  • How the framework is changed

Levels of Learning

The levels applied to the skills used in the Centre of Excellence skills model. The levels highlight the learning being utilised to form the current level of aptitude of the skill. These levels indicate the learning interventions that are best placed to improve skill aptitude and lead to an overall lead increased mastery of the skill.


Refers to transport modes and seeks to represent the ways in which travel is operationalised within the region. They include active travel, bus, EV and zero emissions, freight, light rail, rail and roads and highways.

Partner Organisations

Organisations in the industry who have contributed to the development of this platform by providing access to their resource libraries, development of bespoke content and information regarding their upcoming events and existing courses and qualifications.


A factor through which an aptitude level can be associated. The increased mastery of a skill at an individual or organisation level will contribute to an increase in overall capability. A skill is not to be confused with a theme or topic area which have not been developed as areas where improved learning outcomes are sought to achieve specified aptitude developments.

Skills model

A categorisation of skills relevant to the community. The TfSE CoE skills model has been tailored to relevant skills for the community and is structured in a way that is appropriate for the level of detail that applies to these skills.


Are designed for processing and presenting information and data in a way that increases their ease of use and understanding. They aim to offer assistance to members of the community who are performing tasks relevant to their roles.


Content aimed at boosting capability of LTAs by developing skill levels. Training can be delivered in different formats, such as self-led resources, knowledge sharing through case studies or in-person forums or webinars.

Training qualification/training course

Developed by external parties these are packages of materials combined in a coherent fashion to deliver a collective set of learning outcomes.

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