Bus Back Better | Alternative/low emission fuels
This support package will help local transport authorities understand the low emission fuel options available and how to implement them
This support package will help LTAs:
increase their understanding of a range of alternative fuels available and how applicable they are for their specific region/network; This will be done through over the course of the programme outlining guidance related to Hydrogen, CNG, Electric and Biofuel with a discussion being held on the relative appropriateness for these different types in the region
increase their understanding of appropriate funding and procurement mechanisms including understanding issues around state aid. This will look to cover both leasing and outright purchasing options. The appropriateness of different mechanisms will be indicated in the written guidance
be able to work with operators to establish their roles and responsibilities when transitioning to alternative and low emission fuels
Improve their understanding of the steps required to transition their whole bus network to alternative / low emission vehicles
The alternative/low emission fuels support package will provide a webinar and technical note that will cover:
specialist advice in relation to the availability and maturity of fuel and technology options
different specifications and requirements for vehicles based on different fuel types
bus fleet, network and operational considerations
funding and procurement models
governance and workforce requirements and integration with wider fleet vehicles (eg, waste vehicle fleets)
Associated skills:
Future Technologies, Transport Planning, Policy